🚀Web Offerwall

Integrating Adbreakmedia's offerwall into your website is a quick and simple process, follow this guide, it just take few minutes


Obtain your placement identifier from publisher Dashboard, Determine your unique userId and use the following code to integrate :

Without Values :

Make sure you replace [PLACEMENT_IDENTIFIER] with your placement identifier and [USER_ID] with your unique user id.

<iframe src="https://wall.adbreakmedia.com/[PLACEMENT_IDENTIFIER]/[USER_ID]" allow="autoplay;encrypted-media"></iframe>

With Values :

It's just a demo, do not use this, use your own replaced values

<iframe src="https://wall.adbreakmedia.com/demoIdentifer/k1234" allow="autoplay;encrypted-media"></iframe>

Sub Ids (Optional) :

You can pass up to 2 Sub Ids : sub1 & sub2 , after passing subid, the iframe may look like :

<iframe src="https://wall.adbreakmedia.com/[PLACEMENT_IDENTIFIER]/[USER_ID]/?sub1=[YOUR_SUB_ID1]&sub2=[YOUR_SUB_ID2]" allow="autoplay;encrypted-media"></iframe>

Recommendation :

  • allow="autoplay;encrypted-media" attribute for best user experience

  • You can use css to define iframe height

  • You can also use height / width property directly

Important : You must user allow="autoplay;encrypted-media" in iframe, this can provider a great user experience & higher conversions to you.

To avoid any tracking-related issues, please ensure that the User Id you provide does not exceed 254 characters.

Last updated

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