🎮Create Campaign

Creating Campaign is simple and straight-forward process, let us guide you step by step on how and what to do!

Filling information


Upload Icon

This option allows you to manually upload your icons

Icon Url

if you have direct icon url, instead of uploading the Icon, you can directly paste your icon url

Campaign Name

This is your app/website name for which the campaign is running.


The basic description of you app/website


This is the tracking url, this is responsible for tracking conversions, check bellow on how to configure tracking url

Preview Url

Your App/Website direct link

Targetted Conversion

Number of total conversions that you are willing to get from this campaign

Conversions per day

This is optional, if set, your campaign will get paused for the remaining day once the threshold is reached.

Targetted Country

Choose in which country you would like the campaign to show, you can choose multiple


Choose one category depending on your app/website type


You can choose multiple subcategories, maximum 2, this describes your App/Website feature


Choose in which devices, you would like to run your campaign

Start & End Date

Optional, if you would like to start or end the campaign in specific date, you can select the range of start and end date


choose true/false, if selected true, you will get a button to create multiple events


Requirement of the event which leads to conversion/completion


Amount in USD per successful conversion/completion of the specific event


On Multi-event only : this is the event id which is needed on postback, you need to return this event id on s2s postback

Tracking URL setup

Here are the supported params for tracking url



This is the param for click id that will be passed along with your tracking url and you need to send this back though s2s postback call on each conversion/event complete.


This is the param for traffic source, you can use this to measure the traffic quality or ask us to increase/decrease/stop traffic on this source.

Example Tracking Url : https://yourdomain.com/tracking?clickId=[YOUR_CLICK_ID]&source=[YOUR_SOURCE_ID]


For prompt assistance with campaign setup or tracking URL configuration, please feel free to contact us at business@adbreakmedia.com . We are committed to providing you with timely support.

Last updated

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